
WP workflow (Český Hosting VMS)


  • Apache
  • PHP7
  • MySQL
  • Composer
  • GIT
  • SSH Keys + authorized_keys (Public Key) in .ssh folder on server


  1. Create a DEV environment
  2. Connect with SSH GIT archive on STAGING
  3. GIT Pull on STAGING
  4. php composer.phar install on STAGING
  5. Create a database on STAGING
  6. upload .env file and change it accordingly (database...). Do not forget change localhost to
  7. Install WP
  8. Activate DB Sync + DB Media
  9. Sync DB from DEV to Staging
  10. GIT Pull on Staging on updates

PS: Make sure "dist" folder in theme directory is not in .gitignore file and is in the repository