
SEO <title> and <meta name="description"> middleware for Koa and Lad

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


build status code style styled with prettier made with lass license

Meta <title> and <meta name="description"> middleware for Koa and Lad

Table of Contents



npm install koa-meta


Use middleware:

const path = require('path');

const views = require('@ladjs/koa-views');
const Meta = require('koa-meta');

/// ...

// set template rendering engine (see @ladjs/web for inspiration)
app.use(views(path.join(__dirname, 'views')));

const meta = new Meta({
  '/': [ 'Home', 'Our home page description' ],
  '/contact', [ 'Contact', 'Contact us with questions' ]

// note: you can also pass a second argument of a custom `logger`
// the default logger is `console` and must have a `.error` method
// `const meta = new Meta({}, console);`


app.use((ctx, next) => {
  // since the previous middleware was defined before this
  // the `ctx.state` object has been populated with metadata
  // when the render call occurs (it will not override any existing set values)
  // for a request with `ctx.path` of `/` it will output:
  // { title: 'Home', description: 'Our home page description' }

Therefore in your views you can render the meta data easily:

doctype html
    title= meta.title
    meta(name="description", content=meta.description)

Programmatically get a meta object/translated version of title and description:

const Meta = require('koa-meta');

const meta = new Meta({
  '/': [ 'Home', 'Our home page description' ],
  '/posts': [ 'Posts', 'Posts by our team' ]

// `{ title: 'Posts', description: 'Posts by our team' }`

Translation Support

This package supports translation out of the box.

It checks for a function set on ctx.request.t and utilizes that function to translate based off the request's locale.

Child Path Support

This package supports parent meta data lookup for children of paths.

This means if you define in your configuration a path of /posts and a request is made to /posts/123456 (with this path not being defined in your configuration), then it will use /posts definition for /posts/123456.

Error Catching

By default this package will throw an error if a child path was found that does not have a parent defined.

This is extremely useful for retaining quality control with your configuration.

However this is configurable based off the third argument passed to new Meta(), e.g. new Meta(config, logger, levelForMissing.

The value of levelForMissing defaults to error for when process.env.NODE_ENV is equal to development, otherwise it defaults to debug.

This is configurable, therefore you can simply pass new Meta(config, logger, 'warn') if you want warn to be the log level for missing meta configurations.


Name Website
Nick Baugh http://niftylettuce.com/


MIT © Nick Baugh