This library provides the semi-honest implementation of ABY 3 and Fast Database Joins for Secret Shared Data.
The repo includes the following application:
- Linear Regression (training/inference)
- Logistic Regression (training/inference)
- Database Inner, Left and Full Joins
- Database Union
- Set Cardinality
- Threat Log Comparison (see Section 5)
- ERIC Application (see Section 5)
A tutorial can be found here. It includes a description of how to use the API and a discussion at the end on how the framework is implemented.
This codebase should NOT be considered fully secure. It has not had a security review and there are still several security related issues that have not been fully implemented. Only use this codebase as a proof-of-concept or to benchmark the perfromance. Future work is required for this implementation to be considered secure.
Moreover, some features have not been fully developed and contains bugs. For example, the task scheduler sometime fails. This is a known issue.
The library is cross platform and has been tested on Windows and Linux. The dependencies are:
In short, this will build the project
git clone
cd aby3/
python3 --setup
To see all the command line options, execute the program
The library can be linked by linking the binraries in lib/
and thirdparty/win
or thirdparty/unix
depending on the platform.
Contact Peter Rindal for any assistance on building or running the library.
Spread the word!
author = {Peter Rindal},
title = {{The ABY3 Framework for Machine Learning and Database Operations.}},
howpublished = {\url{}},