
A sample web app using openai Whisper to transcribe audio

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This is a sample webapp implementation of OpenAI Whisper, an automatic speech recognition (ASR) system, using Next.JS.

It records audio continuously for some time interval, uploads the audio data to the server for transcribing/translating then sends back the result to the front end. It is also possible to playback the recorded audio to verify the output.


It has been said that Whisper itself is not designed to support real-time streaming tasks per se but it does not mean we cannot try, vain as it may be, lol.

So this project is my attempt to make an almost real-time transcriber web application using openai Whisper. The efficacy of which depends on how fast the server can transcribe/translate the audio.

I used Next.js so that I do not have to make separate backend and frontend apps.

As for the backend, I used exec to execute shell command invoking Whisper. I have not yet find a way to import it as a node.js module. All examples with import seem to be using python server.

import { exec } from 'child_process'

exec(`whisper './${filename}' --model tiny --language Japanese --task translate`, (err, stdout, stderr) => {
    if (err) {
    } else {

Notice I am just using the tiny model to perform super fast transcribing task. This is all my system can handle otherwise it will come to a stand still.

The App


Basically, the app will record continuous 5 seconds (by default) of audio, upload it to the server, transcribe it using Whisper and send the result back. You can edit the recordingperiod by editing duration in Settings.

At first, I was sending the audio data as it is created. However, this caused bottle-neck as transcribing takes time. So I tried implementing a queue like approach, to only send data one at a time and wait until it finishes before sending another.

Please note that the uploaded files and transcribed output can easily increase in number inside the upload folder. I will probably need to set a maximum count after which I automatically stop recording for safety purposes.


It is possible to play the uploaded audio and follow the text output since the time period is shown.

As for the code itself, I used class component (I know, I know...) because I had a difficult time to access state variables using hooks when I was developing.


It is also now possible to change recording duration and several Whisper options such as language, model and task from the Settings dialog. Please check Whisper's github repository for the explanation on the options.

There are still lots of things to do so this project is still a work in progress...


First, you need to install Whisper and its Python dependencies

$ pip install git+https://github.com/openai/whisper.git

You also need ffmpeg installed on your system

# macos
$ brew install ffmpeg

# windows using chocolatey
$ choco install ffmpeg

# windows using scoop
$ scoop install ffmpeg

By this time, you can test Whisper using command line

$ whisper myaudiofile.ogg --language Japanese --task translate

If that is successful, you can proceed to install this app.

Clone the repository and install the dependencies

$ git clone https://github.com/supershaneski/openai-whisper.git myproject

$ cd myproject

$ npm install

$ npm run dev

Open your browser to http://localhost:3006/ to load the application page.


You might want to run this app using https protocol. This is needed if you want to use a separate device for audio capture and use your machine as server.

In order to do so, prepare the proper certificate and key files and edit server.js at the root directory.

Then run

$ node server.js

Now, open your browser to https://localhost:3006/ to load the page.