
Primary LanguageTypeScript

Angular Tour of Heroes++

This is a refresher project to re-learn the latest versions of Angular. My last experience with Angular was Angular v5.x and quite out of date in 2023 So this is just an attempt to re-learn the framework.

Started with the Tour of Heroes example and modified to make use of new features and newer 7.x RXjs library. Last time I used RXjs it was version 5.x

Some changes from default Tour of Heroes:

  • Use Angular Material UX
  • Update All libraries to latest versions as of 10/2023
  • Display Heroes component using Angular Material Table
  • Update Hero class with additional properties
  • Update Hero detail and Hero edit with new properties


Common RXjs operators (KNOW THESE!) from here):

Map and Filter


switchMap, concatMap


startWith, distinctUntilChanged, debounceTime


TODO: Look into how to use RXjs streams when getting items from the HeroService.

Good Fireship.io Tutorial on RxJS