
In memory file system learning project

Primary LanguageRust

Ephie -- An in memeory file system

In memory file system mostly as a playground for async rust


(When possible commands mirror gnu utils for discoverability)

  • Terminal Client

    • Interactive

    • Multi-user Concurrent Support

    • Auto clear

    • Help

  • List with ls

    • Working Directory

    • absolute path

    • relative path

    • parent path

  • Change working directory with cd

    • absolute path

    • parent path

    • relative path

  • Create a new directory with mkdir

    • absolute path

    • parent path

    • relative path

    • auto mkdir

  • Remove directory or "file" with rm

    • absolute path

    • parent path

    • relative path

  • Create a new file with touch

  • Write to file with write

  • Read out file with read

  • Search working directory with find

  • cp

    • Files

    • Directories

  • mv

    • Files

    • Directories

  • AuthZ

    • Assign users and groups to directories/files

    • create new

      • users

      • groups

    • assign/remove users to groups

    • switch users

    • Restrict access based on user/group membership

  • CI

    • Build on PR
    • Test on PR

Current Scope Limitiations

  • Relative parent directory (ie ../.. or foo/../bar)

  • Client file writes are overwrite

  • Only support unix; windows paths are awful



  • rust (curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh) to install the tool chain comes with cargo
  • cargo


cargo test in relevant folders


bash build.sh


bash release.sh


bash run-server.sh

bash run-client.sh