bug bounty hunter

Bug_Bounty_Hunter(BBH) was created to assist in quickly finding interesting information relating to domains. BBH first scrapes links that the webite is using or calling not outside of its self. BBH then takes those domains and runs the dig command to check for CNAMES. BBH then sends those domains to WHOIS to check the expiration date and status of the domain. Finially we send a get request to those domains and return the response codes.


pip install -e git://github.com/anpseftis/bug_bounty_hunter.git#egg=bug_bounter_hunter


bug_bounty_hunter <DOMAIN>


bug_bounty_hunter https://www.google.com

Example output

Links Scraped:

Type Link
a http://www.iana.org/domains/example

Dig Results:

Domain Type Resolves To
www.iana.org. CNAME ianawww.vip.icann.org.

WHOIS Results:

Host Expiration Date Status
IANA.ORG 08-12-17 Active

Status Return:

Link Status
http://www.iana.org/domains/example 200