
A library for displaying groups of photos based on its metadata on a TreeMap.


Basic Example

This Basic Example create a PhotoTreeMap with minimum configuration and with a small hierarchy. The source code is in examples/basic.

Basic Example

Instagram Trends

Instagram Trends create a PhotoTreeMap to compare the popularity of Instagram users. This example require a medium configuration. The source code is in examples/ptm-instagram-comparison.

Instagram Trends

MOMA Navigator

MOMA Navigator create a PhotoTreeMap to navigate around the artworks of The Museum of Modern Art (MOMA) based in its characteristics. This example require a high configuration and load 131k records representing the MOMA's artworks. The source code is in examples/ptm-moma.

MOMA Navigator



To start using the PhotoTreeMap you will need in your HTML a target element to display the tree, a target element to display the breadcrumbs and to import the following files: PhotoTreeMap.js, ShannonEntropy.js, d3.v3.js, jquery-3.3.1.js and defaultStyles.css.

Imports Example

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
  <div class="mainContainer">
    <div id="breadcrumbs"></div>
    <div id="target"></div>
  <script src=""></script>
  <script src=""></script>
  <script src=""></script>
  <script src=""></script>


Before create the PhotoTreeMap you need to create the Hierarchy to display. A Hierarchy is the root Node of the tree, each Node must have at least the following properties:

Name Type Description
id string ID of the node.
value number Value of the node, this will be used to sort the nodes and they will be displayed depending on it.
label string Text to be displayed in each Node.

Each Node with children should have the children property.

Name Type Description
children Array <Node> An array with nodes, which represent the node's children.

In addition, the leaves or the nodes which represents a category must to have the property img.

Name Type Description
img string Source of the image of the Node, the root Node should not have img.

Hierarchy Example

// Root Node of the Hierarchy
 const root = {
    id: "root",
    value: 120,
    children: [
        id: "Children1",
        value: 10,
        img: "",
        id: "Children2",
        value: 10,
        img: "",
        id: "Children3",
        value: 50,
        img: "",
        id: "Children4",
        value: 50,
        img: "",
        children: [
            id: "Children5",
            value: 20,
            img: ""
            id: "Children6",
            value: 30,
            img: ""


Now you will need to create a new TreeMap and setup it. All possible configurations are applicable using a chaining approach, so each function return the PhotoTreeMap itself. All functions (configurations) are optional and listed below:

Name Type Description
breadCrumsHtmlID string ID of the element in which will be displayed the breadcrumbs.
zoomable boolean Allows the PhotoTreeMap to be zoomable. If it is false, all the images will be showed at the same time.
height number Set the height in pixels of the PhotoTreeMap.
width number Set the width in pixels of the PhotoTreeMap.
chainedAnimations boolean Allows the PhotoTreeMap to chain its animations.
animationDuration number Set the duration of the animations.
padding number Set the padding in pixels of the PhotoTreeMap.
sort string Set the property used to sort the Nodes, as default they are sorted by the property value.
value string Set the property used as value of the Nodes, as default their value is the property value.
label string Set the property shown as label, as default the property showed is label.
labelValue string Set the property shown as label value, as default the property showed is labelValue.
showLabel boolean Enable or disable the display of labels in the Nodes.
useShannon boolean Enable the PhotoTreeMap to use ShannonEntropy, it allows the Nodes to display the most relevant part of the image.

Finally, bind the data with the PhotoTreeMap by calling the update function and send as param the root of the hierarchy to display.

Name Type Description
update Hierarchy Bind the hierarchy with the PhotoTreeMap.

Setup Example

// Create a new photoTreemap, setup and finally add the data
let photoTreemap = new TreeMap("#target")


The PhotoTreeMap as default have styles defined in defaultStyles.css. However, you can override these styles, the classes used are: .node, .leaf, .nodeText, .nodeTextTitle, .nodeTextValue and .nodeBG.