
Mirror of PySprings website

Primary LanguageCSS

PySprings Website

This is the PySprings website. It's generated using pelican and a few tools for doing CSS.

Building the static HTML using pelican

To build the site, create a virtualenv and install pelican:

$ virtualenv env_pelican
$ source env_pelican/bin/activate
$ pip install pelican

Once pelican is installed in the virtualenv, you can build the site from the pelican/ directory:

$ cd pelican
$ make html

Generating CSS from SCSS

To generate the CSS, you'll need some other tools: sass, compass and zurb-foundation. While I'd love to migrate to foundation 4, that isn't going to happen right now.

To get started, run the following as root:

# gem install zurb-foundation -v 3.2.5

make sure you have the '-v 3.2.5' part - foundation v4+ is not going to compile right now.

This will pull in a bunch of other ruby gems if you don't have them installed already. Once you have everything installed, go to the site-css dir and run:

$ compass compile

If you're making lots of css changes, you'll want to have compass watch for changes:

$ compass watch