This a POC for developing a web application using python and django framework. The intent is to experiment the aspects of using the django framework, the difficults of working with DOM elements and manipulate them.
Start a project
django-admin startproject website
Move to website folder
cd website
The basic flow
Cr eate a web page
- Create a django app
- Add a view function
- Assing a URL
- Run and view the page
Create a django app
python startapp app
Delete files admin, apps, models, tests and migrations folder
Add a view function In the, create a function that returns an HttpResponse
Assing a URL
- In the website/, add the path to the function (Ex: path('', welcome)). Don't forget to import the function
- In the website/, add the 'app' in the array INSTALLED_APPS
Run and view the page
python runserver
- Create Django model classes
- Create and run migrations
- Edit data with admin interface
Create a model
Create a class passing models.Model as argument
Tell to django makemigrations
python makemigrations
To run a specific migration
python sqlmigrate meeting 0001
Create a superuser to connect in the admin page
python createsuperuser
Register a model in the website/meeting/ add this lines
from meetings.models import Meeting
Run the server and check the model in the admin page.
Migration Workflow
Step 1: Change model code Step 2: Generate migration script (check it)
python makemigrations
Step 3: Run migrations
python migrate
To see the migrations
python showmigrations
To check the migrations, connect to the db
python dbshell
select * from django_migrations;
To create a template you need to create the directory templates/ inside the django app folder(Ex: website/app/templates/app)
Inside this directory you put your html files
In, you return a render with the request and path of the html file
Ex: return render(request, "app/welcome.html")
- Link Building
- Named URL mappings
- URLs and apps
- For loops in templates
Ex: {% url 'detail' %}
You need to add in website/ file
path('meetings/', include("meetings.urls")),
And the lines below in the meetings/ file in the app meetings
urlpatterns = [
path('<int:id>', views.detail, name="detail"),
path('rooms', views.rooms_list, name="rooms")
For loops
{% for ex in exercises %}
{% endfor%}
To put static files like css, images, etc. You need to create the structure /static//style.css
Ex: app/static/app/styles.css
Add this line in the html file
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'app/tailwind.css' %}">
Stop the server and start again
Obs: In development mode you need to add --insecure
in the commandline to get the static files
Inside the templates' folder, create a html file base.html like this
{% load static %}
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<title>{% block title %}{% endblock %}</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'app/style.css' %}">
<body class="your-css-classes" style="your-font-family">
{% block content%}
{% endblock %}
In the parents html files, you can use this lines
{% extends "base.html" %}
{% block title %}Your title {{meeting.title}}{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
<p> The content is here </p>
{% endblock %}
Check version of python
python --version
The output:
Python 3.10.2
Install pip according to the python version
Creating virtual environment
python -m venv venv
Activate the venv
. venv/bin/activate
Install a package
python -m pip install django
Upgrade to latest version
python -m pip install -U django
Upgrade pip
python-m pip install -U pip
Saving the venv (best practice)
python -m pip freeze > requirements
To leave the venv
To install the requirements package list
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt