Report Biolerplate

by @laermannjan

Quick start

  • find your (sub)section and start typing
  • in pml-paper root do make all and find pdf in output/report.pdf
    • this also keeps your cwd clean for your convencience
    • git won't track compilation files anyways, though
    • Note: this nullifies the effect of includes compilation boost if necessary we should probably rather compile in separate directory to have booth speed of compilation and a clean $root.
  • when errors occur, you can find them in $root/error.txt
    • you may also want to run make cleanup to remove any possibly corrupt files
  • run make clean to delete output dir to ensure updates (usually not necessary)

Structure - logical

  • Intro
  • Topic 1: Introduction and Overview
  • Topic 2: Techniques, Applicability,...
  • Experiments: ...
  • Discussion: Conclusion, Review, Future stuff,...

Structure - technical

  • Report.tex serves as root file
    • Add latex magic in your .tex files: % !TEX root = ../path/to/report.tex
    • sections directory contains top level sections section.tex files
      • Subsections should reside in a directory section/section/subsection.tex
      • top level sections are included \include{sections/section} without filetype
      • subsections (and deeper) use input \input{sections/section/subsection}
      • \include functionally adds \clearpage before and after it and technically forces separate .aux files to be introduced for sections -> much quicker recompile!
      • \include can't be nested
      • \input inputs AS is WHERE is!
  • label conventions
    • (sub)section: sec:name
    • paragraph: para:name
    • code: foo:handle
    • figures: fig:name


  • JabRef recommended to maintain .bib
    • can do built-in arXiv, google scholar, ... search
    • bibtexkey convention: firstauthorYEARdescriptiveword

Check this out


  • for experiments thumb rule 1 - 2 - 1 - 2: 1 p intro, 2 p methods, 1 p results, 2 p discussion
  • introduction and discussion
  • ...