
The source of my website

Primary LanguagePHP


A small personal project based on the standard Symfony framework.
The goal is to create a simple CMS and add functionality in the future while I'm using this for my personal website.

Setting up

  • Create a database with a user
  • Run git clone git@github.com:laetificat/website.git
  • Make sure you have either Apache or Nginx + PHP-FPM running and configured to run a Symfony project
  • Run composer install
  • Run app/console doctrine:schema:create
  • Add a user in your users table in the database (Data fixtures coming soon!)
  • Add pages, menus, menu items in the database (Data fixtures coming soon!)

Important tasks to do

  • Create data fixtures with dummy data
  • Implement functionality in the backend so pages, menus, and menu items can be changed via a UI
  • Make things look nice
  • Add tests
  • Create a Docker image
  • Create an Ansible playbook