This repository contains a Dockerfile for a lightweight container based on Alpine Linux with the OpenSSL tool installed. The primary purpose of this container is to use OpenSSL to create self-signed certificates without the need to install OpenSSL on the computer itself.
- Original Maintainer: CenturyLink Labs
- Current Maintainer: Lars Fernhomberg
To build the image, you have to use the command docker build -t openssl .
. This creates a new Docker image called "openssl".
Usage docker run --rm -v /var/certs:/certs openssl <OpenSSL commands>
. The certificates will be mapped into the "/certs/" folder, so you have to add "/certs/" to file names.
PowerShell script to generate a self-signed certificate in PFX format:
$keyName = "Cert"
$path = "C:\Temp\"
$duration = 365
$commonName = "Common Name"
$pfxPassword = "1234"
docker run --rm -v "$($path):/certs" openssl genrsa -out /certs/$keyName.key 1024
docker run --rm -v "$($path):/certs" openssl req -new -newkey rsa:4096 -days $duration -nodes -subj "/C=/ST=/L=/O=/CN=$($commonName)" -keyout /certs/$keyName.key -out /certs/$keyName.csr
docker run --rm -v "$($path):/certs" openssl x509 -req -days $duration -in /certs/$keyName.csr -signkey /certs/$keyName.key -out /certs/$keyName.crt
docker run --rm -v "$($path):/certs" openssl pkcs12 -export -out /certs/$keyName.pfx -inkey /certs/$keyName.key -in /certs/$keyName.crt -password "pass:$($pfxPassword)"