
Assisted living

Assistive technology

Our project idea is to create a mobile application for patients with Alzheimer’s disease and also their family members (informal caregivers). Maintaining their standard of living prior to contracting the disease is the core of what we want to accomplish. The app will be mainly focusing on mild Alzheimer's; patients who still suffer from memory loss, but are not completely dependent on caregivers. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common type of dementia. In the early stage, noticeable symptoms may be minimal but the more it progresses the more damage the disease causes to the brain. While there are currently no treatments to stop Alzheimer's diseases’ progression, there have been different medications and treatments used to diminish its symptoms.

We expect this app to be used by informal caregivers alongside patients daily and we also expect the app to have the following functionalities.

Contributors: Aiden Bjelke, Steven Canon-Almagro, Steve Khanna, Juan de Reiset, Daniel Sohn Output sample