The idea is to provide a tool to generate a report with all repositories and display the status of actions for that repository (passed or failed)
$ go install
$ sulane -h
Usage of ./sulane:
-config string
path to config file (default "config.yaml")
dry run mode
verbose mode (default true)
github_login: "your-github-login"
github_token: "your-access-token"
telegram_token: "your-telegram-token"
telegram_chat_id: "your-telegram-chat-id"
# workflows:
# active: false
# should_restart_failed: false
# should_reactivate_suspended_workflows: true
# last: "30d"
# skip_archive: true
# do_merge_one_pr_per_day_if_no_action_today: false
# searches:
# - query: "is:open is:pr review-requested:user-name archived:false"
# active: true
# owner: "owner-name"
# repo: "repo-name"
# should_auto_approve_if_reviewed_by: "user-name"
# should_auto_approve_if_created_by: "user-name"