
opentsdb-client-erl is an client which connects and pushes metrics to opentsdb server.

Both synchronous and asynchronous modes of operation are supported.

We will support more methods in opentsdb and more kinds of tsdb soon.

Basic usage

Start opentsdb-client-erl

To start in the console run:

$ erl -pa ebin -pa deps/*/ebin

To start opentsdb-client-erl:

Opts = [{url, ""},
		{summary, true},
		{details, false},
		{max_batch_size, 20}]
{ok, Pid} = opentsdb:start_link(Opts).

Sync put one or more metric

1> {ok, StatusCode, BodyMap} = opentsdb:put(Pid, <<"sys.cpu.usage">>, 13, #{city => hangzhou}).
2> {ok, StatusCode, BodyMap} = opentsdb:put(Pid, <<"sys.cpu.usage">>, 13, #{city => hangzhou}).
3> {ok, StatusCode, BodyMap} = opentsdb:put(Pid, [#{metric => <<"sys.cpu.nice">>, 
													value => 19, 
													tags => #{host => web01}},
												  #{metric => <<"sys.cpu.nice">>, 
													timestamp => opentsdb:unix_timestamp(),
													value => 13, 
													tags => #{host => <<"web02">>}}]).

StatusCode is HTTP status code returned by opentsdb server.

The format of BodyMap is similar to:

#{<<"failed">> => 0, <<"success">> => 1}

Async put one or more metric

Just replace opentsdb:put to opentsdb:async_put.