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This project is the source code for the tutorial series of three parts about building a Fullstack Web application With TypeScript, PostgreSQL, Next.js, Prisma & GraphQL.

Here is what you will learn:

Part 1: Data Modeling

  • Set up Prisma on a Next.js project to connect to PostgreSQL database
  • Define database models with Prisma
  • Define relationship with Prisma (Many-to-Many)
  • Execute migration and seed your database with Prisma
  • Explore your database with Prisma Studio

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Part 2: GraphQL API

  • Create a GraphQL schema
  • Set up a GraphQL server on Next.js
  • Inject Prisma client in the GraphQL context
  • Use GraphQL code-first approach using Pothos
  • Set up Apollo client on Next.js to consume a GraphQL API
  • Implement the pagination on a GraphQL API

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Part 3: Authentication

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Part 4: Image Upload

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Part 5: Deployment

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