Codebase for mapping two-photon calcium imaging neuron response data to frames in a movie stimulus in order to decode the link between sensory encoding and perception.
Code can be used by following the 2 jupyter notebooks in order to:
Notebook 1: preprocess_and_Gaborwavelets.ipynb
- smooth and normalize calcium response data
- downsample and normalize the movie frames
- generate a bank of Gabor filter wavelets for image decomposition
- decompose preprocessed movie frames into feature vectors and vice-versa
Notebook 2: train_test_nn.ipynb
- intialize and train neural network model to learn the relationship between responses and image features
- test the model performance using mean-squared-errors and correlations between predicted and ground-truth images
- view predicted frames from arbitrary or artificially perturbed response vectors
To use, first either create a new environment and pip install the packages listed in requirements.txt or install these packages into your working environment using
pip install -r requirements.txt
It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to create a new environment before installing the required packages and running the notebooks.
To run the notebooks, open jupyter and follow the steps for defining save/load paths and defining necessary parameters at various steps.
Input data for the preprocessing notebook requires pre-generated data sets consisting of
- response traces for every cell in a numpy array (.npz file) of shape (nCells,nMovieReps,nFramesPerRep)
- .mp4 file of movie
author: Paul LaFosse