
Module: The Raspberry PI emoncms module adds direct interface to the RFM12 to PI board. This is a non-core module, install to add this feature

Primary LanguagePHP

#Raspberry PI emoncms module

This module is to be used with an emoncms installed on the PI to interface with an RFM12 to PI board in a seemless fashion.


  • set the emoncms account to send data to
  • set the RFM12 frequency
  • set the RFM12 group
  • set the RFM12 board node id.
  • php serial script

##Requires the pecl php serial module

  • sudo apt-get install php-pear php5-dev
  • sudo pecl install channel://pecl.php.net/dio-0.0.6
  • Add "extension=dio.so" to php.ini
  • Restart apache