
Implementation of the examples on the chapters of the book, ROS Robotics By Example

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ROS Robotics by Example

Implementation of the examples on the chapters of the book: ROS Robotics By Example

The road so far:

  • URDF model
  • Rviz config file
  • Basic launcher file

Next step: Add differential drive, so we can control the robot by teleop.

How to install:

  • Create a directory and cd into it
  • Clone this repo with git clone git@github.com:lagartoxa/ros-robotics-by-example.git src
  • Run $ catkin_make
  • Source the setup file with $ source {your_directory}/devel/setup.zsh # or setup.bash if you don't use zsh

How to run:

The complete robot is the one at urdf/dd_robot_complete.urdf. All others were the steps followed on the book and were kept for the history

  • Running the robot on rviz $ roslaunch ros_robotics dd_robot_rviz.launch model:=dd_robot_complete.urdf

  • Running the robot on gazebo $ roslaunch ros_robotics dd_robot_gazebo.launch model:=dd_robot_complete.urdf