
Primary LanguagePHP

Simple Image Resizer via Intervention

Under development.

This is mainly for resizing multiple sizes for a single image. You create a Resizeable (Image) model and the event system will resize it into the needed sizes you have setup in your configuration.


This is designed for Laravel >= 5.1.


Composer require that bad boy.

composer require lagbox/laravel-resizer

Add the Service Provider to config/app.php.

    'providers' => [

Publish the config file and migration.

artisan vendor:publish --provider="lagbox\Resizer\ResizerServiceProvider"

Run the migration.

artisan migrate

If you want to make any configuration adjustments you can edit the config file config/resizer.php.

Make sure you have the 'public' disk that is setup in config/app/filesystems.php. Link storage/app/public to public/storage and create a folder for your images in there images. Make sure that directory has the correct permissions and you should be good to go. (You can adjust the disk and the path in the resizer.php config file.)

Eloquent Relationship

You can add a morphMany or morphOne relationship on your model that will have the Resizable Image(s):

public function image()
    return $this->morphOne(\lagbox\resizer\Resizable::class);


The Resizer can handle the upload for you. You just need to pass it the UploadedFile object you get from the request.

public function store(Request $request, Resizer $resizer)
    $image = $request->file('image');

    $filename = $resizer->handleUpload($image);

    // or if you want to specify the filename yourself

    $image = $request->file('image');

    $filename = $resizer->handleUpload($image, 'something.jpg');


You can use lagbox\Resizer\Traits\HasResizableImage trait if you would like a addImage($filename) method and a getResizableName() method. By default the getResizableName method is simply:

return $this->id .'-'. $this->slug;

You can override this method on your model to change the format of the filename used for the Resizable Image associated with your model.

If you have named your relationship method something other than image you can set a parameter on your model to adjust for that.

protected $resizableName = 'images';

// or

protected $resizableName = 'photo';

Upload and Trait methods

These methods can be used to help you with the upload and saving process.

public function store(Request $request, Resizer $resizer)
    $post = Post::create($request->all());

    $file = $request->file('image');

    $image = $post->addImage(
        $resizer->handleUpload($file, $post->getResizableName())


Creating a new Resizable Image is all you have to do. The resize will fire off via an event.


Deleting the model will fire an event and cause the images to be deleted from the filesystem.


If you want to have the resizing happen in a queue job, you can set queue to true in the config.