
Repository for a minimal Spark example with no other dependencies than Java and Bash.

Primary LanguageScala


Repository for a minimal Spark (See http://www.spark-project.org/ ) example with no other dependencies than Java, Bash and wget.


fakedata.txt contains text from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_real-time_operating_systems

Simple usage:

git clone git://github.com/lagerspetz/minimal-spark-example.git
cd minimal-spark

If the above succeeds, you should see some output from Spark, and have a new folder called reduced.txt. The folder should contain text files called part-00000 and part-00001, with content like this:

(free under T-License,(T-Kernel,1))
(modified Sleepycat license,(FunkOS,1))
(free,(Fusion RTOS,4))
(GPLv3,(Femto OS,3))
(Modified GNU GPL or proprietary,(ChibiOS/RT,1))
(BSD License,(Embox,2))
(Open Source and Commercial,(DSPnano RTOS,3))
(modified GNU GPL,(BeRTOS,4))
(varies,(ITRON, µITRON,1))

The content shows a license name appearing in the list, lists one example OS with that license, and counts the number of OSes with the same license.


After get-spark.sh, you can safely delete spark-0.6.1*. You will still be able to run the project.