Dash docsets with custom styles
- There's still no way to load custom CSS in Dash. Need to modify the styles by myself.
- Some of the user contributed docsets are far from the criterion of Docset Contribution Checklist, especially those with sidebar, github banner, decoration images, etc.
- It's not a good idea to submit to dash-user-contributions with flavored docsets but not the vanilla ones.
- I need a place to share these docsets.
- aiocache, 0.11.1
- aiohttp, 3.6.2
- aioredis, 1.3.1
- asyncpg, 0.20.0
- Babel, 2.6.0
- Beautiful Soup, 4.4.0
- Bottle, 0.12.18
- CacheControl, 0.12.5
- Click, 7.1.2
- Celery, 4.4.7
- Elasticsearch-Py, 6.4.0
- Fabric, 2.4.0
- Falcon, 3.0.0
- Flask-Admin, 1.5.2
- Flask-Bootstrap,
- Flask-CKEditor, 0.4.3
- Flask-DebugToolbar, 0.10.1
- Flask-Login 0.4.1
- Flask-RESTful, 0.3.6
- Flask-Script, 2.0.6
- Flask-Security, 3.0.0
- Flask-SQLAlchemy, 2.4.0
- Flask-WTF, 0.14.2
- google-cloud-logging, 1.21.3
- Gunicorn, 20.1.0
- IPython, 7.1.1
- lxml, 4.2.5
- marshmallow, 3.0.0rc9, 2.19.5
- MongoEngine, 0.20.0
- Mutagen, 1.44.0
- Peewee, 3.12.0
- Peewee Async, 0.6.0
- Pipenv, 2018.11.26
- Plim, 0.9.12
- Psycopg, 2.8.5
- Pygal, 2.4.0
- PyJWT, 1.7.1
- PyMongo, 3.8.0
- PyQuery, 1.4.0
- pysheeet, 20200512
- Pytest, 6.2.2
- Requests, 2.23.0
- Requests-HTML, 0.9.0
- Requests-OAuthlib, 1.0.0
- Requests-Toolbelt, 0.8.0
- Sanic, 20.12.1
- Sanic JWT, 1.3.2
- Scrapy, 2.5.0
- Selenium Python, 20181027
- Setuptools, 40.5.0
- Sphinx, 3.4.3
- Splash, 3.5.0
- Supervisor, 3.3.4
- WeasyPrint, 51
- Werkzeug, 2.0.2
- WTForms, 2.3.x
- urllib3, 1.24.1