
Simple reddit like voting system without usage off GenericForeignKeys. Built for linkfloyd project.

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION


Easy to use reddit like voting system for django models.


  • Does not use GenericForeignKeys (which irritates me when making queries) Has vote_buttons_for templatetag, that generates html code for your object for vote buttons.
  • Has, default_buttons.css which gives a shape your buttons as default, but you can override.
  • Has, voting_script template tag, it generates javascript code to make ajax requests for voting. Automatically finds qhonuskan_votes views.
  • voting_script tag also renders overridable show_not_authenticated_error function, so you can use your own error windows (jquery-ui etc.) via overriding it.
  • Default buttons are pure css, there is no images. So it's lite.

What's new?

version 0.2

  • Defined get_version method to get project version in your code.
  • Lettuce tests are added for testing voting system.
  • Changed vote view name as qhonuskan_vote. Prefix is required for minimizing view name conflicts.
  • Moved templates to templates/qhonuskan directory.
  • Minimum Django version that we supported is 1.3.

Quick Implementation Guide

  1. Add qhonuskan_votes to your INSTALLED_APPS.

    INSTALLED_APPS = ('...',
  2. Add VotesField, and add ObjectsWithScoresManager to your model.

    from django.db import models
    from qhonuskan_votes.models import VotesField
    class MyModel(models.Model):
        votes = VotesField()
        # Add objects before all other managers to avoid issues mention in http://stackoverflow.com/a/4455374/1462141
        objects = models.Manager()
        #For just a list of objects that are not ordered that can be customized.
        objects_with_scores = ObjectsWithScoresManager()
        #For a objects ordered by score.
        sort_by_score = SortByScoresManager()
  3. Syncdb.

  4. Extend your urls [1].

    import qhonuskan_votes.urls
    from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
    urlpatterns = patterns('',
      url(r'^votes/', include(qhonuskan_votes.urls)),
  5. Create the list in you view. Use

    #For a regular list of items without votes from your model use the following:
    item_list_no_score = Items.objects.all()
    #For a list with scores that can be customized with use the following:
    item_list_unordered_with_scores = Items.objects_with_scores.all()
    #to customize the order by a field unique to your model. So something like this:
    item_list_unordered_with_scores = Items.objects_with_scores.all().order_by(-date_created)
    #To obtain a list of items sorted by vote counts like (1,0,-1) like Reddit:
    item_list_ordered__scores = Items.sort_by_score.all()
  6. Load qhonuskan_votes templatetags from your template. You will need STATIC_PREFIX too.

    {% load qhonuskan_votes static %}
    {% get_static_prefix as STATIC_PREFIX %}
  7. Load default_buttons.css to give little shape to buttons

    <link href="{{STATIC_PREFIX}}default_buttons.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
  8. After that line, if you wish you can override some properties

    <style type="text/css">
      div.vote_buttons {
        width: 40px;
        margin-right: 5px;
        float: left;
        border: 1px solid #666;
  9. Load jquery to your template

    <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.6.2/jquery.min.js"></script>

10. After all, you can add voting_script template tag to your head section. It generates necessary javascript code for ajax requests.

{% voting_script %}
  1. use vote_buttons_for_object template tag to create buttons.

    {% for object in objects %}
      <div class="object">
        {% vote_buttons_for object %}
          <div class="text">
            {{ object.text }}
    {% endfor %}

For further information you can inspect example project at root of the repository.


You liked this project? Nice. Let's start with provide your virtual environment. You can install all you need dependencies:

$ pip install -r requirements/development.txt

We have some important conditions during the development of the project:

  • We adopt PEP8 as Python style guide.
  • You can send us patch for reviewing changes, but if you fork the project and open a pull request from github, that would be very easy for us.


[1]To use the views for up voting and down voting you include the urls.py in your website's url patterns. You can serve qhonuskan_votes views wherever you want. Javascript files updates automatically to find qhonuskan_votes views.