
Extender for knockout.js that adds support for an observable to have access to its own set of configurations.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Adds a configurations extender to knockout, that allows you to set configurations to a observable.


All methods receive a configuration name. The name is the path to your config value, using dot notation.

  • observable.getConfig(name) # returns computable
  • observable.hasConfig(name) # returns computable
  • observable.isConfig(name) # returns computable
    • returns true if config value is a truthful value
  • observable.isntConfig(name) # returns computable
    • returns false if config value is a falsy value
  • observable.setConfig(name, val) # returns observable
  • observable.setConfigs(obj) # returns observable
  • observable.toggleConfig(name, val) # returns observable


serial = ko.observable().extend
    visible: true
      big: true

serial.setConfig('visible', false)

ko.unwrap serial.getConfig('conditions.big') # true
## serial.getConfig('conditions.big')() - same !!

if ko.unwrap serial.isConfig('conditions.big')
  serial.setConfig('conditions.big', false)