
Dataplane of Lagopus router

Primary LanguageGo


Followings are expected to be installed under /usr/local:

  • DPDK 17.11.1

DPDK shall be built as shared libraries for now.

vsw expects the following Go version, because it uses dep to manage a package dependency.

  • Go 1.9 or newer

How to build

Install utils.

Download to appropriate directory ($HOME, etc.).

% sudo apt-get install libnuma-dev
% git clone https://github.com/lagopus/utils ~/utils
% cd ~/utils/
% ./configure
% make
% sudo make install

build vsw.

% make


# install/exec dep
% make vendor

# exec go build
% make build

Install vsw.

# install/exec dep
% make vendor

# exec go install
% make install

Unit tests.

Unit tests.

% make test

Unit tests of the package.

There are some ways of how to unit tests the package.

  1. Use top-level Makefile of source tree.


% cd agents/tunnel/ipsec/config
% make -f ${GOPATH}/src/github.com/lagopus/vsw/Makefile test
  1. Create Makefile in current directory. Use it.


% cd agents/tunnel/ipsec/config

# Create Makefile
% vi Makefile
TOPDIR          = $(GOPATH)/src/github.com/lagopus/vsw

include $(MKRULESDIR)/vars.mk
include $(MKRULESDIR)/rules.mk

% make test
  1. Generate env.sh. Use it and set environment variables.


# Generate env.sh.
% make env

% cat env.sh

export "CGO_LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/lib -ldpdk"
export "CGO_CFLAGS=-I/usr/local/include/dpdk"

% source ./env.sh
% cd agents/tunnel/ipsec/config
% go test -v --cover ./...