
LoudAm mobile using flutter

Primary LanguageDart


The mobile app for the LoudAm project.

Getting Started

For help getting started with Flutter, see the online documentation.

This is the mobile repo of Project LoudAM.

More About LoudAm

A community development solution by Lagos Software Engineering Group. A demo project that is the brainchild of the meetup group for 2018. It will enable community reporting and engagement to get people to participate in community building.

The draft features of Project LoudAm are

  • Capture reports with, capture text, geotag, tags and photos... and videos
  • Be able to report incidents and issues in our communities
  • Should include crime reporting
  • Comments
  • Upvote and downvote.
  • Identify agencies and refer related issues to them: Create profiles for agencies Link up to websites. Tag agencies directly.
  • Other users should be able to add more information to uploads
  • Post to twitter
  • Broadcast, with push notifications.
  • Ability to post anonymously, but you're authenticated.
  • Social media login
  • Analytics and report Trending Year end dashboards
  • Leader-boards e.g. community champions, organized causes, complained, give badges.
  • Follow: People, causes, communities
  • How to handle false reports
  • Moderation: How to? Trust people with time? Blocking of foul languages Apply hueristics: trust reports more if user is present at location, or users in same area. ML stuff like correlation. Come up with strategies to trust the system.
  • Channels: Ability to create channels from trending interests.