
PremiereProPatched is a modified version of Adobe Premiere Pro with enhanced features and functionalities that cater to the needs of advanced video editors. This version offers improved stability, performance, and additional tools for seamless video editing experiences.



PremiereProPatched is a repository aimed at providing patched versions of Adobe Premiere Pro software, giving users access to premium features without the need to purchase a license. This repository is intended for educational and testing purposes only. The goal is to offer an opportunity for users to explore the full capabilities of Premiere Pro without financial constraints.

PremiereProPatched Logo


  • Access to premium features of Adobe Premiere Pro
  • Regular updates with the latest patches and fixes


To download the patched version of Premiere Pro, click the button below:

Download Premiere Pro Patched


  1. Download the Installer file by clicking the download button above.
  2. Extract the contents of the downloaded file.
  3. Run the installation process following the provided instructions.
  4. Enjoy full access to Adobe Premiere Pro features.


Contributions to this repository are welcome. If you have patches or updates to share, feel free to create a pull request. Together, we can enhance the functionality of PremiereProPatched for the benefit of the community.


If you encounter any issues or have questions regarding the patched version of Premiere Pro, please open an issue on this repository. Our team will assist you as soon as possible.


This repository is for educational and testing purposes only. The patched versions of Premiere Pro provided here are not intended for commercial use. Adobe Premiere Pro is a registered trademark of Adobe Inc.


The use of patched software may violate licensing agreements and is considered illegal in many jurisdictions. It is essential to review the laws and regulations in your area before using PremiereProPatched. The maintainers of this repository are not liable for any misuse or legal consequences resulting from the use of the patched software.


  • We would like to thank the open-source community for their contributions to the software industry.
  • Icon made by Icongeek26 from www.flaticon.com

Adobe Premiere Pro

By following the instructions above, you can access the patched version of Adobe Premiere Pro and explore its full range of features. Remember to use this repository responsibly and comply with all applicable laws and regulations in your area.

Feel free to reach out to us for any support or inquiries. Enjoy your video editing experience with PremiereProPatched! 🎬🎥🚀