
A websocket implementation for zig

Primary LanguageZigMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0

A zig websocket server.

Zig 0.12-dev is rapidly changing and constantly breaking features. I'll try to keep this up to date as much as possible. Note that 0.12-dev currently does not support async, so I've reverted to threads.

See the v0.10.1-compat tag for a release that's compatible with Zig 0.10.1.


The server is meant to be flexible and easy to use. Until async is re-added to zig, every connection spawns a thread. We try to limit the creation of resources until after a successful handshake (this can be fine-tuned via the configuration).


const websocket = @import("websocket");
const Conn = websocket.Conn;
const Message = websocket.Message;
const Handshake = websocket.Handshake;

// Define a struct for "global" data passed into your websocket handler
const Context = struct {


pub fn main() !void {
    var general_purpose_allocator = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
    const allocator = general_purpose_allocator.allocator();

    // this is the instance of your "global" struct to pass into your handlers
    var context = Context{}; 

    try websocket.listen(Handler, allocator, &context, .{
        .port = 9223,
        .max_headers = 10,
        .address = "",

const Handler = struct {
    conn: *Conn,
    context: *Context,

    pub fn init(h: Handshake, conn: *Conn, context: *Context) !Handler {
        // `h` contains the initial websocket "handshake" request
        // It can be used to apply application-specific logic to verify / allow
        // the connection (e.g. valid url, query string parameters, or headers)

        _ = h; // we're not using this in our simple case

        return Handler{
            .conn = conn,
            .context = context,

    // optional hook that, if present, will be called after initialization is complete
    pub fn afterInit(self: *Handler) !void {}

    pub fn handle(self: *Handler, message: Message) !void {
        const data = message.data;
        try self.conn.write(data); // echo the message back

    // called whenever the connection is closed, can do some cleanup in here
    pub fn close(_: *Handler) void {}


The init method is called with a websocket.Handshake, a *websocket.Conn and whatever context value was passed as the 3rd parameter to websocket.listen.

The websocket specification requires the initial "handshake" to contain certain headers and values. The library validates these headers. However applications may have additional requirements before allowing the connection to be "upgraded" to a websocket connection. For example, a one-time-use token could be required in the querystring. Applications should use the provided websocket.Handshake to apply any application-specific verification and optionally return an error to terminate the connection.

The websocket.Handshake exposes the following fields:

  • url: []const u8 - URL of the request in its original casing
  • method: []const u8 - Method of the request in its original casing
  • raw_headers: []const u8 - The raw "key1: value1\r\nkey2: value2\r\n" headers. Keys are lowercase.

If you set the max_headers configuration value to > 0, then you can use req.headers.get("HEADER_NAME") to extract a header value from the given name:

// get returns a ?[]const u8
// the name is lowercase
// the value is in its original case
const token = handshake.headers.get("authorization") orelse {
    return error.NotAuthorized;

Memory referenced by the websocket.Handshake, including headers from handshake.headers will be freed after the call to init completes. Application that need these values to exist beyond the call to init must make a copy.


The handle function takes a message which has a type and data field. The type will either be text or binary, but in 99% of cases, you can ignore it and just use data. This is an unfortunate part of the spec which differentiates between arbitrary byte data (binary) and valid UTF-8 (text). This library does not reject text messages with invalid UTF-8. Again, in most cases, it doesn't matter and just wastes cycles. If you care about this, do like the autobahn test does and validate it in your handler.

If handle returns an error, the connection is closed.


Called whenever the connection terminates. By the time close is called, there is no guarantee about the state of the underlying TCP connection (it may or may not be closed).


The call to init includes a *websocket.Conn. It is expected that handlers will keep a reference to it. The main purpose of the *Conn is to write data via conn.write([]const u8) and conn.writeBin([]const u8). The websocket protocol differentiates between a "text" and "binary" message, with the only difference that "text" must be valid UTF-8. This library does not enforce this. Which you use really depends on what your client expects. For browsers, text messages appear as strings, and binary messages appear as a Blob or ArrayBuffer (depending on how the client is configured).

conn.close() can also be called to close the connection. Calling conn.close() will result in the handler's close callback being called.

Pings, Pongs and Close

By default, the library answers incoming ping messages with a corresponging pong. Similarly, when a close message is received, a close reply is sent (as per the spec)..

When configured with handle_ping and/or handle_pong and/or handle_close, the messages are passed to the handle method and no automatic handling is done.

This is an advanced feature.

pub fn handle(self: Handler, message: Message) !void {
    switch (message.type) {
        .binary, .text => try self.conn.write(message.data),
        .ping => try self.conn.writeFrame(websocket.OpCode.pong, message.data),
        .pong => {}, 
        .close => try self.conn.writeFrame(websocket.OpCode.close, [_]u8{3, 232});


The 4th parameter to websocket.listen is a configuration object.

  • port - Port to listen to. Default: 9223.
  • max_size - Maximum incoming message size to allow. The server will dynamically allocate up to this much space per request. Default: 65536.
  • buffer_size - Size of the static buffer that's available per connection for incoming messages. While there's other overhead, the minimal memory usage of the server will be # of active connections * buffer_size. Default: 4096.
  • address - Address to bind to. Default: "".
  • handshake_pool_count - The number of buffers to create and keep for reading the initial handshake. Default: 50
  • handshake_max_size - The maximum size of the initial handshake to allow. Default: 1024.
  • max_headers - The maximum size of headers to store in handshake.headers. Requests with more headers will still be processed, but handshake.headers will only contain the first max_headers headers. Default: 0.
  • handshake_timeout_ms - The time, in milliseconds, to wait for the handshake to complete. This essentially prevents a client from opening a connection and "hanging" the thread while it waits for data. If a client slowly sends a few bytes at a time, the actual timeout might happen up to 2x longer than specified. Generally speaking, it might be better to let a proxy (e.g. nginx) handle this. Default 10_000; handle_ping - Whether ping messages should be sent to the handler. When true, the libray will not automatically answer with a pong. Default: false.
  • handle_pong - Whether pong messages should be sent to the handler.
  • handle_close - Whether close messages should be sent to the handler. When true, the library will not automatically answer with a corresponding close However, the readLoop will exists and the connection will be closed.

Setting max_size == buffer_size is valid and will ensure that no dynamic memory allocation occurs once the connection is established.

The server allocates and keep around handshake_pool_size * handshake_max_size bytes at all times. If the handshake buffer pool is empty, new buffers of handshake_max_size are dynamically created.

The handshake pool/buffer is separate from the main buffer_size to reduce the memory cost of invalid handshakes. Unless you're expecting a very large handshake request (a large URL, querystring or headers), the initial handshake is usually < 1KB. This data is also short-lived. Once the websocket is established however, you may want a larger buffer for handling incoming requests (and this buffer is generally much longer lived). By using a small pooled buffer for the initial handshake, invalid connections don't use up [as much] memory and thus the server may be more resilient to basic DOS attacks. Keep in mind that the websocket protocol requires a number of mandatory headers, so handshake_max_size can't be set to a super small value. Also keep in mind that the current pool implementation does not block when empty, but rather created dynamic buffers of handshake_max_size.

Websockets have their own fragmentation "feature" (not the same as TCP fragmentation) which this library could handle more efficiently. However, I'm not aware of any client (e.g. browsers) which use this feature at all.


Pre-Framed Comptime Message

Websocket message have their own special framing. When you use conn.write or conn.writeBin the data you provide is "framed" into a correct websocket message. Framing is fast and cheap (e.g., it DOES NOT require an O(N) loop through the data). Nonetheless, there may be be cases where pre-framing messages at compile-time is desired. The websocket.frameText and websocket.frameBin can be used for this purpose:

const UNKNOWN_COMMAND = websocket.frameText("unknown command");

pub fn handle(self: *Handler, message: Message) !void {
    const data = message.data;
    if (std.mem.startsWith(u8, data, "join: ")) {
    } else if (std.mem.startsWith(u8, data, "leave: ")) {
    } else {
        try self.conn.writeFramed(UNKNOWN_COMMAND);


The library comes with some helpers for testing:

cosnt wt = @import("websocket").testing;

test "handler invalid message" {
    var wtt = wt.init();
    defer wtt.deinit();

    var handler = MyAppHandler{
        .conn = &wtt.conn,

    try wtt.expectText("invalid message");

For testing websockets, you usually care about two things: emulating incoming messages and asserting the messages sent to the client.

wtt.conn is an instance of a websocket.Conn which is usually passed to your handler's init function. For testing purposes, you can inject it directly into your handler. The wtt.expectText asserts that the expected message was sent to the conn.

The wtt.textMessage generates a message that you can pass into your handle's handle function.


The websocket client implementation is currently a work in progress. Feedback on the API is welcome.


var client = try websocket.connect(allocator, "localhost", 9001, .{});
defer client.deinit();

const path = "/";
try client.handshake(path, .{
    .timeout_ms = 5000,
    .headers = "host: localhost:9001\r\n",

const handler = Handler{.client = &client};
const thread = try client.readLoopInNewThread(handler);

const Handler = struct {
    client: *websocket.Client,

    pub fn handle(self: Handler, message: websocket.Message) !void {
        const data = message.data;
        try self.client.write(data); // echo the message back

    pub fn close(_: Handler) void {


The main methods of *websocket.Client are:

  • writeBin([]u8) - To write binary data
  • writeText([]u8) - To write text data
  • write([]u8) - Alias to writeText
  • close() - Sends a close message and closes the connection

As you can see, these methods take a []u8, not a []const u8 as they will mutate the data (websocket payloads are always masked).

More advanced methods are:

  • closeWithCode(u16) - Sends a close message with the specified code and closes the connection
  • writePing([]u8) - Writes a ping frame
  • writePong([]u8) - Writes a pong frame
  • writeFrame(websocket.OpCode, []u8) - Writes an arbitrary frame. OpCode is an enum with possible values of: text, binary, close, ping, pong

Pings, Pongs and Close

By default, the client answers incoming ping messages with a corresponging pong. By default, when the client receives a close message, it calls client.close() which replies with a close` frame and closes the underlying socket.

When configured with handle_ping and/or handle_pong and/or handle_close, the messages are passed to the handle method and no automatic handling is done.

This is an advanced feature. Handlers are strongly encourages to call client.writePong in response to a ping and to call client.close in response to a close.

pub fn handle(self: Handler, message: websocket.Message) !void {
    switch (message.type) {
        .binary, text => try self.client.write(message.data); // echo the message back
        .ping => try self.client.writePong(@constCast(message.data)), // @constCast is safe
        .pong => {}, // noop
        .close => client.close(),


The 3rd parameter to connect is a configuration object.

  • max_size - Maximum incoming message size to allow. The library will dynamically allocate up to this much space per request. Default: 65536.
  • buffer_size - Size of the static buffer that's available for the client to process incoming messages. While there's other overhead, the minimal memory usage of the server will be # of active clients * buffer_size. Default: 4096.
  • tls - Whether or not to connect over TLS. Only TLS 1.3 is supported. Default: false.
  • ca_bundle - Provide a custom std.crypto.Certificate.Bundle. Only meaningful when tls = true. Default: null.
  • handle_ping - Whether ping messages should be sent to the handler. When true, the client will not automatically answer with a pong. Default: false.
  • handle_pong - Whether pong messages should be sent to the handler.
  • handle_close - Whether close messages should be sent to the handler. When true, the client will not automatically answer with a corresponding close and will not close the underlying socket. However, the readLoop will still exists. If true, handlers are strongly encouraged to call client.close() when receiving a close message.

Setting max_size == buffer_size is valid and will ensure that no dynamic memory allocation occurs once the connection is established.

Zig only supports TLS 1.3, so this library can only connect to hosts using TLS 1.3. If no ca_bundle is provided, the library will create a default bundle per connection. For a high number of connections, it might be beneficial to manage our own CA bundle:

// some global data
var ca_bundle = std.crypto.Certificate.Bundle{}
try ca_bundle.rescan(allocator);
defer ca_bundle.deinit(allocator);

And then assign this ca_bundle into the the configuration's ca_bundlefield.


The handshake sends the initial HTTP-like request to the server. A timeout in milliseconds can be specified. You can pass arbitrary headers to the backend via the headers option. However, the full handshake request must fit within the configured buffer_size. By default, the request size is about 150 bytes (plus the length of the URL).

Handler and Read Loop

A websocket client typically listens for messages from the server, within a blocking loop. The readLoop function begins such a loop and will block until the connection is closed (either by the server, or by calling close). As an alternative, readLoopInNewThread can be called which will start the readLoop in a new thread and return a std.thread.Thread. Typically one would call detach on this thread. Both readLoop and readLoopInNewThread take an arbitrary handler which will be called with any received messages. This handler must implement the handle and close methods as shown in the above example.

close will always be called when the read loop exits.

It is safe to call client.write, client.writeBin and client.close from a thread other than the read loop thread.


Every mandatory Autobahn Testsuite case is passing. (Three fragmented UTF-8 are flagged as non-strict and as compression is not implemented, these are all flagged as "Unimplemented").

You can see autobahn_server.zig and autobahn_client.zig in the root of the project for the handler that's used for the autobahn tests.


I'm also working on an HTTP 1.1 server for zig: https://github.com/karlseguin/http.zig.