
Simple text editor built on Electron.js


wriiite is an ultra simple yet offensive text editor experiment built on Electron.js. It is just capable of editing text, saving and opening files to/from a local macOS directory.

enter image description here

Available Actions

  • save - Writes a .txt file
  • open - Read and show files to edit
  • new - Refresh the editor to start a new file


Grab the .dmg file here and install it in the Applications folder.

Or clone this repository (node.js/npm/git required)

git clone https://github.com/laheshk/writtte

To run, change into the app's directory, install dependencies, then start:

cd app
npm install
npm start

Future Updates

  • Single screen interface for everything
  • Shortcuts for quick actions
  • Text formatting
  • Windows/Linux support

Pay me a visit at madebylahesh.com