a node app demoing integration with twitter api
##details written in es6 (babel for transpiling es6) uses npm twitter (wrapping callback-based api in promises) local server instance using hapi
##setup npm install - install all dependencies set config - twitter api credentials should be stored in ./config.json as follows:
{ "twitter": { "consumer_key": "abc1", "consumer_secret": "abc2", "access_token_key": "abc3", "access_token_secret": "abc4" } }
gulp compile - compiles es6 src folder to dist folder using babel
node dist/app.js - run the compiled app, calls rest endpoint. to use streaming, uncomment in src/app.js and recompile
input is taken from input/input.json output is logged to the console and saved to output/output.json errors are logged to the console and saved to log/error.json - this would be saved on driver
npm start - run a hapi server instance, navigate to localhost:8000/hashtag (hashtag query param - replace with your search)
npm test (mocha)