This is a FreeSwitch quick test image, based on version 1.10.2-release-13-f7bdd3845a~64bit, it's not able to change any default configuration, including username, password and ports.

This image is including these users from number 1000 until 1019, all of them are using password 1234.

How to run?

$ docker run --name freeswitch -ti --rm -p 5060:5060 -p 5066:5066 lxuancheng/freeswitch

How to access the FreeSWITCH CLI (fs_cli)?

$ docker exec -ti freeswitch fs_cli

Default Values:

  • Default SIP port: 5060
  • Default WebSocket port: 5066
  • User password: 1234

Where are all the configurations file?

All the configuration files are in the directory usr/share/freeswitch/conf/vanilla.