Will you be satisfied and stuck with the default labels in the github repository? The answer may probably be NO, you always need to add some labels, customize the colors, etc. Finally you will come to an awesome label template(or you might find someone from others), when you create a new repository, you might want to use the template you favor, but still manually?
No... This command line tool tries to help you manuplate your github label template effectively.
Feel free to export the lables of this repo as a template.
Node.js 4.4 or later.
npm install github-label-template
Usage: ghlbl [options]
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
-o, --owner [owner] repo owner
-r, --repo [repo] repo name
-t, --token [token] github token
-e, --export [filename] export the lables to json file [filename]
-d, --del delete all existed labels
-i, --import [filename] import the labels from json file [filename]
Export all labels
ghlbl -o xavierchow -r github-label-template -t <github-token> -e out.json
Clear all existed lables
ghlbl -o xavierchow -r github-label-template -t <github-token> -d
Import lables from json template
ghlbl -o xavierchow -r github-label-template -t <github-token> -i tmpl.json