
Implementation of (TDD) principles for a simple LibrarySystem using Java. The key focus is on three main methods: getBooksByAuthor, getBooksByTitle, and getBooksByAuthorAndTitle.

Primary LanguageJava


This project demonstrates the implementation of test-driven development (TDD) principles for a simple LibrarySystem using Java. The key focus is on three main methods: getBooksByAuthor, getBooksByTitle, and getBooksByAuthorAndTitle.

Table of Contents

Classes Overview

  1. Book.java: Represents a book with id, title, and author.
  2. BookService.java: Provides methods to retrieve books by author, title, or both.
  3. IBookRepository.java: Interface for book repository.
  4. BookRepository.java: Implementation of IBookRepository.
  5. FakeRepositoryForTest.java: Mock repository for testing purposes.
  6. BookServiceTest.java: Contains test cases for BookService methods.

Test Cases

getBooksByAuthor Method

  1. Test with an author that has books:

  2. Test with an author that has no books:

  3. Test with null or empty author string:

  4. Test with an author that has multiple books:

  5. Test with special characters in the author's name:

getBooksByTitle Method

  1. Test with a title that has books:

  2. Test with a title that has no books:

  3. Test with null or empty title string:

  4. Test with a title that has multiple books:

  5. Test with special characters in the title:

getBooksByAuthorAndTitle Method

  1. Test with a valid author and title combination:

  2. Test with a valid author but invalid title:

  3. Test with an invalid author but valid title:

  4. Test with both invalid author and title:

  5. Test with an author and title combination that appears multiple times:.

Running the Tests

To run the tests, follow these steps:

  1. Set Up JUnit 5 Dependency:

    • Ensure JUnit 5 is added to your project dependencies (Maven or Gradle).
  2. Run Tests in IntelliJ IDEA:

    • Right-click on the BookServiceTest class and select Run 'BookServiceTest'.
  3. Verify Test Results:

    • Ensure all tests pass and verify the output for any failures.