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This is the source code for the blog post



  1. Install eb CLI
  2. Change application to listen on port 5000
  3. eb init
  4. To make EB deploy artifact instead of source code add the following to .elasticbeanstalk/config.yml
     artifact: target/spring-boot-aws-example-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

Create the EB application and environment (only needed if not already exists)

  1. mvn clean install (this is needed so the environment can be created and artifacts deployed immediately)
  2. eb create or eb create -s to create without loadbalancer

Deploy to an already existing AWS application

  1. mvn clean install
  2. eb deploy

Using the beanstalker maven plugin

Create environment

mvn beanstalk:upload-source-bundle beanstalk:create-application-version beanstalk:create-environment

Update application

mvn beanstalk:upload-source-bundle beanstalk:create-application-version beanstalk:update-environment


To avoid being charged, stop or delete all infrastructure components created, including :

  • EC2 instances
  • Load balancers

The easiest and safest way to do it is to use the command line

# list all eb environments
eb list

# terminate an environment
eb terminate <<env name>>