- 1
Attack cancel cannot perform
#30 opened by laihaotao - 1
Apply Stat - Paralyze
#45 opened by martintseng - 0
can retreat and end turn
#44 opened by martintseng - 1
#42 opened by FredericDesgreniers - 1
#39 opened by FredericDesgreniers - 1
Setup phase
#37 opened by FredericDesgreniers - 1
#38 opened by FredericDesgreniers - 0
AI evolve
#43 opened by FredericDesgreniers - 0
#41 opened by FredericDesgreniers - 0
#40 opened by FredericDesgreniers - 1
Abilities Damage and Cost
#17 opened by martintseng - 2
AI Attacks
#16 opened by martintseng - 1
active vs bench pokemons
#26 opened by martintseng - 1
AI , first turn, pokemon card
#25 opened by martintseng - 2
win the game on first turn
#24 opened by martintseng - 1
Deck Playable
#15 opened by martintseng - 3
Turn Order -lose conditions
#18 opened by martintseng - 1
Ability not checking Energy properly
#27 opened by martintseng - 0
A guess of the losing code issue
#23 opened by laihaotao - 1
Attack can attack two pokemon
#21 opened by laihaotao - 2
AI follow game rules
#20 opened by martintseng - 0
evolve pokemon
#19 opened by martintseng - 1
prize card amount incorrect
#9 opened by laihaotao - 1
can't parse attack energy cost correctly
#8 opened by laihaotao - 1
can't parse card correctly
#7 opened by laihaotao - 1
The syntax error in the file
#2 opened by laihaotao