
Official verified components/repositories

Primary LanguageSmartyApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Host officially verified components/repositories which can be used in our kubebb!

  • charts host verified components(helm chart)
  • repos host verified repositories


In kubebb

  1. Add the kubebb component repository
    kubectl apply -n kubebb-system -f repos/repository_kubebb.yaml
  1. Search components under this repository
    kubectl get components -n kubebb-system -l kubebb.component.repository=kubebb
  1. Schedule a ComponentPlan and subscribe updates

To be detailed!

In helm

  1. Add the kubebb charts repository
    helm repo add kubebb https://kubebb.github.io/components
  1. Update the helm repo
    helm repo update
  1. Search the helm charts
    helm search repo kubebb
  1. Install chart
    helm install {release_name} kubebb/{chart}

Contribute to Kubebb Components

If you want to contribute to Kubb Core, refer to contribute guide.


If you need support, start with the troubleshooting guide, or create github issues