
ASCII Art: Bad :apple: in Windows console

Primary LanguageC++

【ASCII Art】控制台 Bad Apple

一个在windows控制台中播放Bad Apple视频的程序,效果如下:

程序是拿MFC写的,可执行版本在BA.zip文件中。 直接下载BA.zip,解压即可。
BA.zip文件同时包含bad apple.mp3,如果想同时听音乐的话请把此mp3和exe放在同一路径下


对于不知道Bad Apple是什么的同学,请戳这里

日语好的同学可以看 http://dic.nicovideo.jp/v/sm8628149

【ASCII Art】Bad Apple Console

This is a MFC program to play the famous "Bad Apple" video.Basically,this is an ascii-art work.

The executable and mp3 file are included in BA.zip.You should put the mp3 file in the same directory with the exe so that you can hear music.

download BA.zip

For those who don't know what Bad Apple is,see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bad_Apple#Reception_and_fanworks