
Shopping Cart in JavaScript Tutorial

Primary LanguageHTML

JavaScript Shopping Cart Tutorial

1. Array Basics Intro

Shopping cart is basically a list. You buy something from the store, add something from the store to the cart and when you view items in the list - you'll see them.

Array is an ordered list organized by index. The list will be an array: var array = [ ]; //list of multiple items You can add or remove items from an array
Example var array = ["A", "b", "c", "d"]; console.log(array);
To view individual items in an array:- - Each item in an array is stored at an index.
  • Index starts at 0.
  • There's no index before 0, first item will be at 0 index. Example console.log(array[0]); // this will give the first item in an array

console.log(array.length); //number of items in an array

Add an item to an array:

  • push() - adds an item into the array

  • Loop through an array a) For loop
for(var i=0; i < array.length; i++){
    console.log(array[i]); //gives the items in the array

Object Basics Intro

  • Object - is a collection of methods and properties.
  • Object is a collection organized on a key.
  • Key is a named position. key-value

var obj = { key:10, a:33; b:"Name" };
  • key can be anything that starts with a letter
  • value can be anything or any datatype
  • objects can have a string-key e.g. var obj = {"key": 23};

Example 2
var obj = {name:"Apple", cost:1.99, count:2};

How to access individual items in an object

console.log(obj.name); //use the key

  • Use for..in loop to iterate an object
  for(var key in obj){
      console.log(key+" "obj[key]);

for..in loop can be used on arrays too:-

var a = ["A", "B", "C"];
for(var j in a){
   console.log(j+" "+a[j]);

3. Arrays and Objects

4. Functions

Function is a block of code that can be reused. // Function names should be descriptive

  • Function can be used to generate an object.
  • Function has to be invoked or called in order to execute it
function myfunction(){
  console.log("hello Lailah");

  • Functions can take parameters - one and more.
function myfunction(message){
myfunction("Hello Lailah");
function myfunction(message, count){
 for(var i=0; i < count; i++ ){

function square(num){
   return num*num; 
   //console.log(square())//nothing is run after the return statement

5. Scope

Scope determines where a variable or value is visible.

Scope applies to everything e.g. functions,arrays, objects etc

Example //passing a variable to 2 or more different scripts

   var global = "Hello";
   console.log("Global "+global);

Cart Item and Cart

//An  object in an array
       //name  price  count or quantity of items in the cart
       var cart = [  ];

       //Item will make item objects for us
       //Item is a function literal
      //Item is  a class (capital I) - naming convention
       var Item = function(name, price, count){
           //this represents that object(Item), this.name - .name is the property name, =name is the parameter passed in the function(name)
           this.name = name 
           this.price = price
           this.count = count

       //create an object in js
       //a is the Instance of class (small b)
       var brush = new Item("Brush", 1.99, 1); //<- this is the same as -> {name:"Brush", price: 1.99, count:1};
       console.log(brush); //Item {name: 'Brush', price: 1.99, count: 1}

       //create a new object
       cart.push(new Item("Apple", 2.12, 1));


7. Shopping Cart Functions

Function names should be descriptive

8. addItemToCart()

9. removeItemFromCart()

removeItemFromCart(name) //Removes one Item

Can be used for decrement or - button on a cart.

10. removeItemFromCartAll()

//removeItemFromCartAll(name) //removes all item name can be used to delete items in a cart.

11. a) clearCart()

can be used to Empty cart

11. b) countCart()

returns total count it returns the value - total number of items in the cart

11. c) totalCart()

returns total cost

12. listCart()

listCart() - returns array of Items

  • Arrays and Objects don't send a copy but a reference
  • Arrays and Objects are always a reference.
  • Can make a copy from a reference in an array by using a slice().

a) Example with Arrays

Arrays and Objects don't send a copy  but a reference 

   var  a = ["A", "B", "C"];
   //to copy an array & not use the reference - use slice()
   //var b=a; // passing a reference (saved on computer memory), if used else where, it will give you the same reference value
   var b= a.slice(); //slice() gives b a copy of  items in a.
   console.log(a); //(3) ['A', 'B', 'C']
   console.log(b); //(4) ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D']
  • b) Example with objects

var a = {name:"Lailah", age:23 }; var b = a; //setting new value (b) as a pointer to the original object b.name ="Loyce"; console.log(a); // console.log(b);//

JS Objects don't have a slice function that allows creating a copy of an object as the arrays.

13. saveCart()

saveCart() - saves the cart information to the LocalStorage or Writing information to localStorage.

  • It will allow us to pass the cart to different pages. Grab the cart information

  • In js, when a page refreshes or close the browser window - cart information disappears. JS loses its State when page refreshes or close the browser window

  • LocalStorage is like a Cookie though it stores more flexible information than a cookie.

  • LocalStorage is best for strings and numbers.

  • LocalStorage saves in a key-value

  • localStorage.setItem("name", value); // give it a name and set its value

  • localStorage.setItem("shoppingCart", cart); //convert cart to a string describing the array and objects - use JSON

  • JSON - good way to write arrays and objects

  • localStorage.setItem("shoppingCart", JSON.stringify(cart));

  • JSON has a method called stringfy() which you pass- A JavaScript value, usually an object or array, to be converted.

localStorage.setItem("username", 'Lailah'); //delete this  since it's already saved in the localStorage
localStorage.setItem("age", 22);

14. loadCart()

loadCart() - load the cart information from the localStorage or Reading information from the localStorage.

  • It will allow us to retrieve the cart if you leave the page and come back.
  • cart = localStorage.getItem("shoppingCart"); //get a string back - change the string back to the array-object
  • use JSON's parse() - changes the string back to the array-object
cart = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("shoppingCart"));

15. displayCart()