
SNES Emulator and Debugger written in Rust.

Primary LanguageRust


gdb-style debugger of SNES roms. Upon starting the application, you will be prompted with a shell. You can use help to see the possible commands.


- Rustc 1.70.0+


cargo run filename. You can apply the following command line arguments as well:

  • --no-check: Skip the checksum check for target rom and write to memory directly.
    • This is useful for test roms of very basic ASM.
    • This is NOT useful for retail ROMs, as the header and checksum are important to discern the mapping of the rom.


  • --no-debug: Run the program without executing the debugger. Currently hard coded to enable.

Debugger Functionality

The prefix $ is allowed wherever an address literal is found to identify a hex value.

  • help or h: Display the help screen.

  • p $XXXXXX: Print the byte and word values at address $XXXXXX

  • r or c: Run (or Continue) the application until the next breakpoint is reached, or the program terminates.

  • q, exit, quit: Terminate the application.

  • Breakpoints

    • b: Create a breakpoint at the current PC.
      • b tag_name: Create a breakpoint at the current PC, with the tag name tag_name.
    • b +X: Set a breakpoint at the current PC, plus an offset value.
      • b tag_name+X: Set a breakpoint at the value represented by tag_name plus an offset value.
    • b $XXXXXX: Create a breakpoint at absolute address $XXXXXX.
      • b $XXXXXX tag_name: Create a breakpoint at absolute address $XXXXXX with the tag name tag_name
    • b show: Show all current breakpoints in a table, with tag names if applicable.
      • b list
    • b del $XXXXXX: Remove breakpoint at $XXXXXX
      • b del tag_name: Remove breakpoint associated with tag tag_name.


  • Watches

    • w $XXXXXX: Watch for value changes at address X, and break if the value is modified.
      • w $XXXXXX tag_name Watch for value changes at absolute address $XXXXXX with the tag name tag_name
  • Steps

    • step: Execute the next instruction.
      • step +X Step a number of times from the current instruction.
  • Dump

    • TBD; Dump sections of memory to a .bin file for analysis.
    • TBD; Dump tags to an external file for re-use.
    • Areas to start with:
      • loram: 0x000000 - 0x3F1FFF+0x7E0000 - 0x7E1FFF (SNES LoRAM) to loram.bin in working dir.
      • ppu: 0x002000 - 0x3F3FFF (SNES PPU/APU) to apu.bin in working dir.
      • controller: 0x004000 - 0x3F41FF to controller.bin
      • cpu: 0x004200 - 0x3F5FFF to cpu.bin
      • ram: 0x7E0000 - 0x7FFFFF to ram.bin (includes slice of loram)
      • tags: Dump tags to a text file
      • b: Dump breakpoints to a text file
  • Load

    • TBD: Load sections of memory from a .bin file for analysis.
    • TBD; Load tags from an external file for re-use.

Project Status (5/16/24)

CPU Implementation: 2 out of 255 opcodes

Primary focus is: debugger implementation