
Native WebGPU implementation based on gfx-hal

Primary LanguageRustMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0


Build Status Crates.io Gitter

This is an experimental WebGPU implementation as a native static library. It's written in Rust and is based on gfx-hal and satellite libraries. The corresponding WebIDL specification can be found at gpuweb project.

The implementation consists of the following parts:

  • wgpu-native - the native implementation of WebGPU as a C API library
  • wgpu-bindings - automatic generator of actual C headers
  • wgpu-remote - remoting layer to work with WebGPU across the process boundary
  • wgpu-rs - idiomatic Rust wrapper of the native library

Supported platforms:

  • Vulkan on Windows and Linux
  • D3D12 and D3D12 on Windows
  • Metal on macOS and iOS


Cube Shadow

To run an example, simply cd to the examples or gfx-examples directory, then use cargo run with --features {backend} to specify the backend (where {backend} is either vulkan, dx12, dx11 or metal). For example:

# Clone the wgpu repository
git clone https://github.com/gfx-rs/wgpu
# Change directory to `examples`
cd wgpu/examples
# Vulkan (Linux/Windows)
cargo run --bin hello_triangle --features vulkan
# Metal (macOS/iOS)
cargo run --bin hello_triangle --features metal
# DirectX12 (Windows)
cargo run --bin hello_triangle --features dx12

cd ../gfx-examples
# Vulkan (Linux/Windows)
cargo run --bin cube --features vulkan
# Metal (macOS/iOS)
cargo run --bin cube --features metal
# DirectX12 (Windows)
cargo run --bin cube --features dx12

These examples assume that necessary dependencies for the graphics backend are already installed. For more information about installation and usage, refer to the Getting Started gfx-rs guide.