
:kiss: Pornhub bookmarks at your CLI

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

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💋 Pornhub Bookmarks at Your CLI

ph-marks is a zsh plugin, that will let you bookmark pornhub videos. It will not download the videos, only their meta information and thumbnails.




First of all you will need some dependencies to be present on your system for this plugin to work.

Here is a table of them. The links will lead to the "install" section of each dependency.

+-------------+--------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------+ | Name | Description | Necessity | Note | +=============+==========================+===========+=============================+ | coreutils | Basic command line tools | required | You are likely to already | | | in UNIX-like systems | | have them | +-------------+--------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------+ | jq or | JSON parser | required | jq is more likely to be | | query-json | | | present in your repo. | | | | | However, query-json is a | | | | | faster alternative. | +-------------+--------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------+ | youtube-dl | Video (metadata) | required | It is best to install the | | | downloader | | latest version with pip | | | | | as older version might lag | | | | | behind pornhub most recent | | | | | changes | +-------------+--------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------+ | fzf | Fuzzy picker | optional | These two are required for | +-------------+--------------------------+-----------+ interactive video filtering | | ueberzug | In-terminal image | optional | | | | viewer | | | +-------------+--------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------+

Plugin install

Install with your favourite zsh plugin manager:

zinit load lainiwa/ph-marks

Getting Started

Type ph <TAB> to see available subcommands.

Let's add a first video to your library:

$ ph add 'https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5e6b2338e1256'

The other option is specifying just the viewkey instead of a full link: ph add ph5e6b2338e1256.

Now list your available videos with the following command:

$ ph list
https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5e6b2338e1256 "WHY Porn Changes the Brain | Science of NoFap [SFW]"

Definitely not the video to be had in one's porn bookmarks 🤣! Let's delete it:

$ ph delete ph5e6b2338e1256

Note you can ph delete <TAB> to insert the id of the video automatically.

Now add a bunch of videos to our library (for educational reasons only):

$ ph add \
    ph5c877ca9b5f1e ph5c877cecbb277 ph5c87cc007de24 \
    ph5c2a66302d63c ph5c585ffeede61 \
    ph5c0f6597271b0 ph5ddb8051f0d36

Let's say you feel sapiosexual today. You can then issue a search by title:

$ ph title facts and logic
https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5c0f6597271b0 "Ben Shapiro DESTROYS FEMALE LIBERAL WITH FACTS AND LOGIC"
https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5ddb8051f0d36 "Ben Shapiro gets BRUTALLY FUCKED by FACTS and LOGIC!!!!"

You can pipe ph commands into each other to filter them even further:

$ ph title facts and logic | ph cat anal
https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5c0f6597271b0 "Ben Shapiro DESTROYS FEMALE LIBERAL WITH FACTS AND LOGIC"

Categories do not make much sense sometimes...


Configuration is being done via environment variables:

Variable Default value Meaning
PH_MARKS_HOME ~/.pornhub Directory with all the fetched video metadata
PH_MARKS_PARALLELIZATION 5 Number of parallel metadata fetches

Auto detection:

  • firefox --private
  • chrom{e,ium} --incognito
  • etc
Command to use to open a link in browser


Command Translation
ph category webcam 🎦
ph tag squirting 🐳
ph tag squirting | ph fzf | ph open Interactively pick a 🐳: and watch it in browser
ph tag fake_taxi | ph open Search and open 🚕 in browser
ph ti facts and logic | ph del keep nothing but feels
ph ls | ph del keep nothing
rm ~/.pornhub/* basically same as above
ph tag mexican ukrainian | ph cat big_ass (:mexico: ∪ :ukraine:) ∩ :peach:


If you have found a bug, file a bug report.