Hello, I'm Laísa 🙋‍♀️

Aspiring Full Stack Developer.

About me

I'm a curious person, passionate about problem-solving. This passion led me to learn how to automate daily tasks. Yes, I have (quite a few) Excel spreadsheets that organize my entire life. Organization is another passion of mine, which fuels my desire to solve problems.

I'm studying Analysis and Systems Development and have experience with HTML, CSS, JS. I'm passionate about developing user interfaces that simplify user interactions and promote great experiences. I am constantly seeking to improve my backend skills by exploring languages and frameworks such as Python and Ruby on Rails.

Curiosities and hobbies

  • Passionate about technology, innovation, and their real-world applications.
  • Somewhat of a perfectionist 👀
  • I have two furry best friends, Dani 🐶 and Mel 🐱
  • I love cooking and trying new sweet recipes 🍪