
Upload mydumper files to S3 bucket in real time.

Primary LanguagePython

Mydumper To S3

A tool that can upload mydumper dumped files to S3 bucket.

It works even while mydumper is running, for mydumper opened files, mydumper2s3 will wait mydumper to close those files then upload. --delete-after-upload option enables you to backup your MySQL without dumping all of your data to local disk.

It works like this:

|  mydumper |
+-----+------+  upload  +-------------+      +------+
| local disk +----------> mydumper2s3 +------>  s3  |
|            <----------+             |      |bucket|
+------------+  delete  +-------------+      +------+


   pip install mydumper2s3


Check help:

$ mydumper2s3 --help
Usage: mydumper2s3.py [OPTIONS]

  mydumper2s3: upload mydumper dumped files to s3 bucket. It works even
  while mydumper is running!

  -a, --access_key TEXT           S3 access_key
  -s, --secret_key TEXT           S3 secret_key
  -d, --domain TEXT               S3 domain
  -b, --bucket TEXT               S3 bucket, if not spcified, a new bucket
                                  named by directory will be created

  -l, --path TEXT
  -i, --check-interval INTEGER
  --ssl / --no-ssl
  -t, --upload-thread INTEGER     thread numbers used to upload to s3
  --delete-after-upload / --no-delete-after-upload
                                  if set to True, files will be deleted in
                                  local space after uploading.

  --help                          Show this message and exit.


Upload files to S3 (If mydumper is running, you can still using this command, mydumper2s3 will search mydumper process pid and watch files opended by mydumper.):

$ mydumper2s3 --domain \
             --bucket test1 \
             --path ~/Downloads/target \
             --access_key AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE \
             --secret_key wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY \
138 files in directory,   0 dumping,   0 uploading,  138 uploaded.
138 files successfully uploaded.

You can check the backup with this command (available in your $PATH after install mydumper2s3):

$ verify-dump --domain \
              --bucket test1 \
              --path ~/Downloads/target \
              --access_key AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE \
              --secret_key wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY
All files are exist both on local and on S3, file name check pass...
start verifying file's md5, file count: 138.
(1/138) verifying metadata...pass
(2/138) verifying test-schema-create.sql...pass
(3/138) verifying test.foo_event-schema.sql...pass
(4/138) verifying test.foo_event_alarms-schema.sql...pass
(5/138) verifying test.foo_list-schema.sql...pass


Run monio locally

docker run -p 9000:9000 \
  minio/minio server /data