
🎖️ Newgrounds.io Kaboom plugin

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Kaboom x Newgrounds.io

With this Kaboom plugin you can use medals and post scores on Newgrounds.com

Quick example

import newgroundsPlugin from "newgrounds-boom";

    width: 500,
    height: 500,
    plugins: [ newgroundsPlugin ]

ngInit("52924:fdddr5yP", "oEZ7GGD79Wht9upZ4HH7Dw==", 1);

    text("ohhi " + String(ngUsername()), {size: 40, width: 400}),
    pos(width() / 2, height() / 2)

onKeyPress("space", () => {
        text(String(ngVersion()), {size: 30}),
        pos(width() / 2, height() - 80)

onMouseDown(() => {
    ngPostScore(10739, rand(0, 9999).toString());

How to use


In your project, activate the "api tools" and you will see the following credentials

Before using the newgrounds features, you'll need to connect your game, use ngInit("App ID", "Encryption Key"). You can activate the debug mode, which will return the results by console (cool if you have not yet published your game), use ngInit("App ID", "Encryption Key", 1);

Using the credentials of this game, it would be like this:

ngInit("52924:fdddr5yP", "oEZ7GGD79Wht9upZ4HH7Dw==");

Unlock Medals

Once you have done the previous step, you can use the scores and medals. Let's see the medals, for that you must first have a medal, duh

We will use the ngUnlockMedal("Medal ID in Number") function


Post Scores

Now, to use the scoreboards, again, we have to have a scoreboard duh

We will use the ngPostScore("Board ID in Number", "score") function

ngPostScore(10739, 1234);

Use global types

If you want to load the global types for use as other global Kaboom Functions, you can import from "load"

import "newgrounds-boom/global";

Other functions

ngUsername(): returns a String with the newgrounds username of the player
ngVersion(): returns a Number with the version of the newgrounds app
ngIsSupporter(): returns a Boolean with the status of newgrounds Support player


  • NPM: npm i newgrounds-boom
  • CDN: jsdelivr or unpkg
  • Kaboom-Util: npm i kaboom-util -> import { newgroundsPlugin } from "kaboom-util";