This is the implementation of "Inductive Link Prediction for Nodes Having Only Attribute Information " published at IJCAI 2020.
This work has been adapted from the original implementation by working-yuhao
, found at
In particular, this work is a refactoring of the original implementation to be more minimal and composable. This refactoring work focuses solely on the inductive link prediction task.
- Datasets are not the same as in the original paper
- Graphs are undirected (twice the number of edges)
- Different train/validation/test splits
- Different method for negative sampling, negative sampling fraction
- Linux
- Nvidia GPU
- Cuda version 11.0
- Anaconda
The installation below uses anaconda.
#conda clean --all -y
conda env list | grep ${CONDA_ENV_NAME}
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "DEAL environment already exists; skipping creation"
echo "Creating ${CONDA_ENV_NAME} environment"
conda create -n ${CONDA_ENV_NAME} python=3.9 -y
conda activate ${CONDA_ENV_NAME}
conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio cudatoolkit=11.0 -c pytorch -c nvidia -y
conda install -q -y numpy pyyaml scipy ipython mkl mkl-include conda-build
conda install pyg -c pyg -c conda-forge -y
pip install -e .
** Note: The below table is not a fair comparison (due to the changes to the dataset mentioned above)
Implementation | Cora | Cora-full | CiteSeer | CS | PubMed | Computers | Photos |
Original | 0.864/0.804 | N/A | 0.937/0.907 | 0.977/0.959 | 0.966/0.931 | 0.953/0.899 | 0.965/0.922 |
Refactored | 0.8757/0.8753 | 0.9124/0.9095 | 0.9114/0.9160 | 0.9485/0.9412 | 0.9226/0.9140 | 0.8494/0.8373 | 0.8920/0.8804 |
make train-cora-small
Total Load data time: 0.02 s
Total Train/val time: 6.39 s
Test time: 0.00 s
Total time: 6.40 s
ROC-AUC: 0.8757
AP: 0.8753
make train-cora-full
Total Load data time: 0.57 s
Total Train/val time: 33.38 s
Test time: 0.00 s
Total time: 33.95 s
ROC-AUC: 0.9124
AP: 0.9095
make train-citeseer
Total Load data time: 0.04 s
Total Train/val time: 9.83 s
Test time: 0.00 s
Total time: 9.87 s
ROC-AUC: 0.9114
AP: 0.9160
make train-coauthor-cs
Total Load data time: 0.48 s
Total Train/val time: 41.70 s
Test time: 0.00 s
Total time: 42.18 s
ROC-AUC: 0.9485
AP: 0.9412
make train-pubmed
Total Load data time: 120.92 s
Total Train/val time: 20.63 s
Test time: 0.00 s
Total time: 141.55 s
ROC-AUC: 0.9226
AP: 0.9140
make train-computers
Total Load data time: 0.28 s
Total Train/val time: 69.72 s
Test time: 0.00 s
Total time: 70.00 s
ROC-AUC: 0.8494
AP: 0.8373
make train-photos
Total Load data time: 0.12 s
Total Train/val time: 30.83 s
Test time: 0.00 s
Total time: 30.95 s
ROC-AUC: 0.8920
AP: 0.8804
Please cite the original IJCAI 2020 paper:
title = {Inductive Link Prediction for Nodes Having Only Attribute Information},
author = {Hao, Yu and Cao, Xin and Fang, Yixiang and Xie, Xike and Wang, Sibo},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth International Joint Conference on
Artificial Intelligence, {IJCAI-20}},
publisher = {International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence Organization},
editor = {Christian Bessiere},
pages = {1209--1215},
year = {2020},
month = {7},
note = {Main track}
doi = {10.24963/ijcai.2020/168},
url = {},