For these courses, you will use real developer tools and software including VS Code, PostgreSQL, and the Linux / Unix command line to complete interactive tutorials and build projects.

These courses start off with basic Bash commands. Using the terminal, you will learn everything from navigating and manipulating a file system, scripting in Bash, all the way to advanced usage.

Next, you will learn how to create and use a relational database with PostgreSQL, a database management system, and SQL, the language of these databases.

Finally, you will learn Git, the version control system, an essential tool of every developer.


  • Learn Bash by Building a Boilerplate
  • Learn Relational Databases by Building a Mario Database
  • Celestial Bodies Database
  • Learn Bash Scripting by Building Five Programs
  • Learn SQL by Building a Student Database: Part 1
  • Learn SQL by Building a Student Database: Part 2
  • World Cup Database
  • Learn Advanced Bash by Building a Kitty Ipsum Translator
  • Learn Bash and SQL by Building a Bike Rental Shop
  • Salon Appointment Scheduler
  • Learn Nano by Building a Castle
  • Learn Git by Building an SQL Reference Object
  • Periodic Table Database
  • Number Guessing Game
Relational Database - freeCodeCamp