
Project to track work hours


Get some practice with t3 stack.

Attempt to have a take on an everyday problem for human resource management in companies


  • NextJS
  • tRPC as api layer
  • Prisma as ORM with PostgreSQL behind
  • Google SSO with Next-auth
  • Tailwind CSS

Current features

  • SSO with Google
  • Hours
    • Add hour
    • See recently added hours
    • See hours in calendar as events
    • Select range in calendar and see hour details within that range
    • Infinitely scroll on recently added hours
    • Edit hours
    • Delete hours
  • Projects
    • Create delete edit projects
    • Display current total hours registered for project
  • Administration
    • Administration breadcrumb navigation
    • Clients
      • Create delete edit clients
      • Display total projects the client has
    • Tags
      • Create delete tags.
      • Display total hours each tag has been assigned to
    • Users
      • Display users with masked email
      • Display summary of hours and projects
      • Display profile picture (from google)
      • Allow edit role of user

Dev setup


You need to have a postgresql database created so that you can add its connection url in the .env file.

A local connection url for postgres looks like this


Add envionment file

Copy the existing .env-example and rename it to .env. Fill the placeholder values with your own

Install packages


Run project

yarn dev


You can run tests with playwright, but you need to have a test google account and add the credentials to the .env file (you can add your own, the .env file does not get committed).

We have the test account credentials as github secrets, so it runs on github actions safely

While in development:

yarn run test-dev

Create T3 App

This is an app bootstrapped according to the stack, also known as the T3-Stack.