
Telegram Message Sending App Developed with Python and Telethon

Telegram Message Sender

This program can be used to manage Telegram accounts and send messages to users and channels.


  • Add proxies
  • Manage Multiple Accounts
  • Bulk Update Account Information (Name, Username, Profile Picture, Set Password, Set Bio)
  • Leave / Join Channels
  • Scrape Group Members
  • Send Message to Users
  • Send Message to Groups and Channels
  • Send Message with Markdown Text
  • Send Message With Media (Images/Videos)
  • Set Interval While Sending Messages
  • Send Reactions to Channel Posts

Buy: Please contact me to buy this program. This program is only $25, and If you need I'll provide a guide to use the application.

My Other Services: If you need any kind of Telegram bot or Program Developed Please contact me. I can do it for you. Payments can be made after work is completed. These are some of the works that I can do:

  • Web Scraping
  • Automation
  • Windows custom app development
  • Telegram Bot Development
  • Discord Bot Development

Other Programs: I already have many programs that developed for Telegram and Discord, here are some of them. If you interested in any of them please DM me.

  • Discord DM Send on Join
  • Discord Join Notifier
  • Daily English Word Dictionary Telegram Bot
  • Telegram Group Post Bot
  • Telegram Message Forwarder Bot
  • Telegram Account Creator
  • Telegram Auto Reply Bot
  • Telegram Geo Location Members Scraper
  • Telegram Group Stat Tracker Bot
  • Telegram Members Adder
  • Telegram View Booster
  • TikTok Downloader