
example output and input datasets

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

lakeCoSTR example datasets

This repository is meant to aide lakeCoSTR users in understanding the output from the lakeCoSTR tool. In this repository, we present a subset (2015-2020, at the 'loon' location) of continuous data from a research buoy located near the deepest location of Lake Sunapee, NH, USA (43.391°N, 72.058°W) (LSPA et al., 2021).

Example Output Landsat Datasets

There are two Landsat datasets output from the lakeCoSTR tool:

  1. a LAKENAME_temp_stats.csv file and

  2. a folder called histograms where histograms of the temperature estimates for each Landsat scene are stored.

The folder lakeCoSTR_output in this repository is a copy of what a user would find in their Google Drive, if they ran the lakeCoSTRv1.11.ipynb notebook found at the lakeCoSTR_colab repository, utilizing the sunapee_insitu_example.csv in situ temperature file to create a Landsat-in situ paired dataset. A copy of the executed notebook is available at the filepath: lakeCoSTR_output/sunapee_example/lakeCoSTRv1.11_example.ipynb within this repository.


This is the .csv represents the summary data for every available Landsat 4-8 scene, given the user-defined lake area and time period of interest. In this case, we used the extent of Lake Sunapee, NH, USA and the time period of May-October 2015-2020. This output file from lakeCoSTR has the same format no matter the lake or time period extent.

Column Header Column definition Units Source of data
availablePixels_count total pixels available for analysis, after pixel-level bit mask and geometry masks applied pixel GSWD masked by bit QA and geometry of lake
cloudcover_pct_scene percent cloud cover of entire Landsat scene percent Landsat scene metadata
datetime_landsat datetime stamp of image acquisition in Landsat datetime format integer; milliseconds since epoch Landsat scene metadata
esd_au_scene earth-sun distance astronomical units Landsat scene metadata
lakeCoverage_pct percent of coverage of the lake in a given scene, calculated as (availablePixels_count/total number of GSWD pixels) * 100 percent GSWD masked by bit QA and geometry of lake
sunazi_deg_scene sun azimuth angle degree Landsat scene metadata
sunelev_deg_scene sun elevation degree Landsat scene metadata
surface_temp_kurtosis measure of tailedness of histogram for temperature estimates of the lake for a given scene none pixel-level analysis
surface_temp_max maximum temperature for a given scene degreeCelsius pixel-level analysis
surface_temp_mean mean temperature for a given scene degreeCelsius pixel-level analysis
surface_temp_median median temperature for a given scene degreeCelsius pixel-level analysis
surface_temp_min minimum temperature for a given scene degreeCelsius pixel-level analysis
surface_temp_p25 25th percentile temperature for a given scene degreeCelsius pixel-level analysis
surface_temp_p75 75th percentile temperature for a given scene degreeCelsius pixel-level analysis
surface_temp_skew skew of the histogram for temperature estimates of the lake for a given scene none pixel-level analysis
surface_temp_stdDev standard deviation from the mean for the temeperature estimates of the lake for a given scene degreeCelsius pixel-level analysis
.geo artifact of GEE extract none GEE

lakeCoSTR_output/sunapee_example/histograms folder

This folder contains the exported .png files of the histograms of the pixel-level temperature estimates.

The file names are formatted as the following:


An example is: LC08 _ L1TP _ 013030 _ 20150702 _ 20200909 _ 02 _ T1 _histo.png

This would be the histogram for the Landsat 8 mission, Level 1 processing, path 013 row 030, acquired ong 2015-07-02, processed on 2020-09-09, Collection 2, Tier 1.

An example of a histogram that is likely showing cloud contamination is LC08_L1TP_013030_20160805_20200906_02_T1_histo.png:


This bimodal distribution likely indicates a contaminated scene and likely should not be included in any further analysis.

We have found that using a kurtosis filter to remove scenes like that seen above has been the most useful in removing contaminated scenes. For the example lake here, we used a kurtosis value of < 2 as the cutoff for acceptable scenes.

Example in situ Input File

We have provided an example in situ dataset for Lake Sunapee (sunapee_insitu_example.csv). Note that you can have more columns than the required 'datetime', 'location', 'depth_m', and 'temp_degC'. See the User Guide for formatting rules.

Example Paired Dataset Output

If a user provides an in situ temperature dataset, lakeCoSTR will create a .csv of paired Landsat-in situ data for ground-truthing the remote sensing temperature estimates, as well as ancillary files that list the in situ records that matched with Landsat scenes.


This is the .csv that is the result of using the Landsat-in situ pairing process in lakeCoSTR. Here, the primary output file(sunapee_example_temp_stats.csv) is filtered and matched with user-provided in situ data file (sunapee_insitu_example.csv). The paired dataset copies the columns from the lake_sunapee_temp_stats.csv. Because this example file only contains data from one location, there is only one set of median, mean, standard deviation and count columns.

Column Header Column definition Units Source of data
landsat_time_utc datetime of the scene acquistion in UTC time YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS Landsat scene metadata
is_temp_avg average in situ temperature measured in user-defined time window, across all locations degreeCelsius user-provided in situ data file
is_temp_stdev standard deviation of the mean for in situ temperature measured in user-defined time window, across all locations degreeCelsius user-provided in situ data file
is_depth_avg average depth of in situ values in user-defined time window, across all locations meter user-provided in situ data file
is_depth_stdev standard deviation of the mean for the depth of in situ values in user-defined time window, across all locations meter user-provided in situ data file
is_temp_med median in situ temperature measured in user-defined time window, across all locations degreeCelsius user-provided in situ data file
insitu_count total number of in situ measurements contributing to the aggregated values count user-provided in situ data file
loon_median median in situ temperature measured in user-defined time window, at 'loon' degreeCelsius user-provided in situ data file
loon_mean average in situ temperature measured in user-defined time window, at 'loon' degreeCelsius user-provided in situ data file
loon_std standard deviation of the mean in situ temperature measured in user-defined time window, at 'loon' degreeCelsius user-provided in situ data file
loon_count total number of in situ measurements contributing to the aggregated values at 'loon' count user-provided in situ data file

ancillary folder

This folder contains individual .csv files for each scene, listing the individual temperature measurements included in the aggregated data found in the sunapee_example_temp_landsat_paired.csv file. File names are labeled with the 'scene' value from the sunapee_example_temp_landsat_paired.csv file. We encourage users to check this file to make sure that they have selected the correct UTC offset in the lakeCoSTR tool. This file copies all columns from the user-provided in situ data file and then adds the following additional columns:

Column Header Column definition Units Source of data
datetime_utc datetime, converted to UTC time based on the user-defined timezone (in this case 'Etc/GMT+5') YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM user-provided in situ data file
dt_delta difference between datetime_utc (in situ measurement) and Landsat acquisition time (landsat_time_utc in sunapee_example_temp_landsat_paired.csv file) DAYS HH:MM:SS lakeCoSTR calculation
delta_secs difference between datetime_utc (in situ measurement) and Landsat acquisition time (landsat_time_utc in sunapee_example_temp_landsat_paired.csv file) in seconds second lakeCoSTR calculation

Data Citation

The data used in this example are from the following data package:

LSPA, K.C. Weathers, and B.G. Steele. 2021. Lake Sunapee Instrumented Buoy: High Frequency Water Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen Data - 2007-2020 ver 2. Environmental Data Initiative. https://doi.org/10.6073/pasta/0c5298c55a128be56ba57449c795df63 (Accessed 2022-04-07).